MS, Analytics
at Universities of Wisconsin

With the increase of data availability and the desire of companies to use it as a competitive resource, the demand for business analytics professionals has increased dramatically.The Master of Science in Business: Data, Insights and Analytics from the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Business provides you with a strong methodological foundation and cutting-edge descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics techniques to deliver strategic insights for your organization.This part-time online master’s program gives you the tools to go from data collection to solution implementation. You’ll learn to leverage expertise in data management software and statistical programming, using data to answer complex business questions.At the same time, you’ll develop your skills as a leader by learning to manage analytics projects, communicate professionally and influence data-based changes within an organization. With our comprehensive curriculum, you’ll be prepared to tap into a wide variety of career opportunities in business analytics.Founded in 1900, the Wisconsin School of Business established one of the first five business programs in the nation. Wisconsin faculty and staff are committed to helping you achieve your professional goals and work to get you on the path to career success.
Madison, Wisconsin
Duration (in years, unless specified):  
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At University’s beautiful campus, you’ll find a diverse and welcoming community that will teach you life skills along with having fun.

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