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Packback is an education technology company, specializing in Instructional AI
A TIME World's Top EdTech Company 2024, Packback is an education technology company, specializing in Instructional AI, located in Chicago Illinois. Packback's mission is to harness the power of AI to help educators implement high quality pedagogy at scale. Packback's AI-enabled platform helps students build and master foundational skills such as critical thinking, writing, and research.
Our products, Packback Questions, an AI-aided online discussion platform, and Packback Deep Dives, an AI-aided writing and research tutor. Empower students to find and leverage their own unique voice through mastery based learning and sound pedagogy.
We believe education technology should change outcomes, rather than just score them...and that students shouldn’t have to fail in order to learn from mistakes. Packback changes outcomes by investing in all of the coachable moments before a student presses submit on their work.
Packback’s purpose is to help every student develop their unique voice, and the writing skills to express it.
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