Antech Diagnostics

Antech Diagnostics

Antech Diagnostics, Inc., operates a network of veterinary diagnostic laboratories in the United States.

About Antech Diagnostics

Antech Diagnostics, Inc., operates a network of veterinary diagnostic laboratories in the United States. It offers veterinary diagnostics services in the areas of chemistry, hematology and coagulation, endocrinology, serology and immunology, urine and fecal, therapeutic drugs, cytology and histology, and microbiology. The company provides laboratory medicine to veterinarians, as well as provides daily services to animal hospitals, zoos, and government agencies.

What is the average data analyst salary at Antech Diagnostics?

The average data analyst salary at Antech Diagnostics is per year.

This salary has been determined from our database, where we have data analyst jobs at Antech Diagnostics. (Last update: 1st July, 2024)

Antech Diagnostics