

Batch is the leading group travel platform to plan a trip with friends and book incredible experiences.


What is the average data analyst salary at Batch?

The average data analyst salary at Batch is per year.

This salary has been determined from our database, where we have data analyst jobs at Batch. (Last update: 1st April, 2024)

About Batch

What is Batch?

Batch is the leading group travel platform to plan a trip with friends and book incredible experiences.

Where is Batch on the startup journey?

Batch is a post-series A startup with >30 employees. We are backed by leading venture capital firms with backgrounds running the largest dating and consumer social apps in history. We are growing fast and successfully just expanded our market from bachelorette parties to all types of parties who want to plan a trip and book fun experiences. We are post-product market fit and figured out our high performance acquisition channels. Now its about being capital efficient while growing exponentially leading into a strong Series B fundraise.
